Nothing can bridge the time back into the past like losing yourself in an Antique book dating back to 1884. Especially when it is the beautiful Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson.

This book was published in 1884 by the H.B. Nims & Company in Troy, N.Y.

There are numerous illustrations in black and white engravings throughout.

This beautiful edition boasts a gorgeous leather cover in dark green with gold leafing. The edges of the pages still have the lovely gold leaf visible.
This volume is in lovely condition, with the exception of missing one of the first blank pages at the front. 398 pages in all measuring 6 1/2" x 10".

All of the illustrations are amazing. I am going to create a custom bookplate from one of the illustrations inside this treasure for you saying This book belongs to.
The Mermaid
"I would be a mermaid fair:
I would sing to myself the whole of the day,
with a comb of pearl I would comb my hair,
and still as I comb'd I would sing and say
"Who is it loves me, who love not me?"
I would comb my hair till my ringlets would fall,
low adown, low adown,
From under my starry sea-bud crown
low adown, low adown
And I should look like a fountain of gold
springing alone
with a shrill inner sound
over the throne
in the middle of the hall."
This very rare find is in my shop For The Love of Old Books.
You might enjoy listening to a poetry reading of Tennyson's The Brook.
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